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The Installation Process

This is a look into the exhibit fabrication process and the process for programming the video content.

Hako Drawing_Dino.png

February 2023


We decided to install the Hako sculpture in the aptly named Lights On! exhibit. I created this mockup so all stakeholders could visualize how the structure would look in the space.

March 2023

Section Drawing

This is a more technical drawing that informed the audio-visual installation company where to mount the two projectors required for this project.

Hako Drawing_Hub.png
Hako UV.jpg

April 2023


Exhibits team at Stepping Stones begins cutting wood panels that will form the Hako sculpture.

April 2023

Hako Fabrication

Exhibits team seals the edges of the sculpture, primes the sculpture, and adds a layer of gray paint known to work well with projections.

Hako in Workshop.jpg
Hako Podium_edited.jpg

April 2023

Pedestal Fabrication

The pedestal was constructed to a height that would minimize the amount of shadows thrown on the sculpture from passerby.

May 2023

Hako on Pedestal

This photo was taken shortly after the Hako sculpture was placed on the pedestal for the first time. The pedestal was painted black so the vibrant projections would stand out.

Hako on Pedestal_edited.jpg
hako programming 1.jpeg

May 2023

Programming Begins

Programming begins which includes: aligning the 2D UV map to the dimensions of the 3D sculpture and synchronizing video and audio assets in the timeline.

May 2023


Fine tuning the back of the Hako sculpture, ensuring all the light from the projector is thrown onto Hako and not the pedestal.

hako programming 2.jpeg
hako content jose 2.jpeg

May 2023

Content is Displayed

After mapping is complete, video is displayed for the first time on the Hako sculpture.

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